Calm Your Anxiety Using Your Senses

I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite grounding practices that I do with almost all my clients.

You can do this practice you can do anywhere, anytime. You will use your senses to come back to the present moment and help settle your nervous system.
Wherever you are, look around: NAME & DESCRIBE 5 things you can see with your eyes. Describe the color, shape, size, etc. The more you can describe, the more it helps to access your prefrontal cortex and keep it online.

Next, NAME & DESCRIBE 4 things you can feel with your hands and feet. Describe texture, temperature, etc.

Now, NAME & DESCRIBE 3 things you can hear with your ears. *Pro Tip: if you’re in a place that is quiet, remember you can make noise with your body. Speak. Drum your hands on something, hum, etc.

Continue on to NAME & DESCRIBE 2 things you can smell with your nose. Describe the scent, not just labeling good/bad. Is it floral, citrus, woodsy, etc.

And finally, NAME & DESCRIBE 1 thing you can taste. Take a drink of water if necessary.

Now pause and check in with yourself:

What do you notice? Do you feel more present? Has anything shifted? How does your body feel?

Like any other tool, the more you practice this on a regular basis, the more you’ll have access to this as a resource when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

If any of your senses are limited or impaired, you may want to increase the number of items you’re describing with your other senses.

Let me know… How did this practice work for you?


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