Date Yourself!

Know Yourself to Trust Yourself

Knowing yourself is a big part of trusting yourself.

If fact, Self-Awareness is a pre-requisite to Self-Trust.

But, how do you ACTUALLY get to know yourself better?

I’ve lost count of the times a client has shared with me that not only do they NOT know themselves, but they’re also lost and overwhelmed at the idea of getting to know themselves.

  • If you’ve ever been stumped when someone asked you a question about yourself… or even where you want to go for dinner…

  • Or, if you’ve ever gotten out of a relationship only to realize all your interests and hobbies are THEIR interest and hobbies.

Then, I’ve got an idea for you.

Date Yourself.

Yes, date yourself. Take yourself on some dates with the intention of getting to know yourself. The same way you would if you were dating someone new. Put the same care and effort into creating date nights (and days) for yourself.

Take yourself to a new movie.

Or try out a new restaurant in town.

Get as creative as you want. Get as elaborate as you want.

You can find free things to do around your town. Or invest some money into this idea.

Choose what works for you.

Then, at the end of every date, take some time to reflect.

  • What parts of the date did you enjoy?

  • What didn’t you like?

  • What did you learn about yourself?

  • Would you want to do it again?

You probably won’t love every date activity you try out. That’s a GOOD THING!!

Just like when you’re dating other people, getting clarity on what you DON’T want is really helpful in discovering what you do.

If you’re bought in on this idea, but want some solo date ideas, I got you.

I created a free guide for you.

12 months… 2 solo dates per month…

A year’s worth of opportunities to KNOW YOURSELF better because…

when you know yourself better… you TRUST YOURSELF more.

[Click link below to download the FREE guide]

With Curiosity,



Choose Confidently. From Decision Fatigue to Discernment Queen.


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